Tuesday, November 26, 2013

This is NOT a Novel Idea

The subject matter I feature in this blog is not new by any stretch of the imagination. Anyone who enjoys their wine knows there are factors that enhance flavor beyond simply the grapes, method of fermentation, barrels, location, pour, barrels (I think you are getting the idea). Good company, great location, and mood are only a handful of those factors that have nothing to do with the wine but somehow work together to affect flavor. The creation of this blog came from the marriage of two of my happiest and most delightful ways to relax; wine and music.

I taught pre-teens in a publc, title one middle school for six years. I now work in the non-profit sector with ridiculous grant deadlines and a new audience and entirely new stresses. I also have two other jobs in order to support my non-profit fix. If there is anyone who understands the value of free time in the day to enjoy a glass (or bottle) or two and an exciting album, then it's me. My most successful attempts to wind down after work almost always involve discovering new music while opening a new bottle of wine. (My MOST successful attempts are when open a bottle of tasty wine -I happen to have gotten a great deal on- and rediscover old favorites.)

You can read the support legitimizing my musings (or rants- depending on the length of the playlist and amount of wine in the bottle). The BBC is one of my favorite news outlets and had this to say about such a pairing: BBC- Music Can Enhance the Taste of Wine; while WIRED magazine, another favorite, concurred (only three years later) WIRED- Music Makes Wine Taste Better .

While you wait with bated breath for my next post you might want to watch the videos below. The first one features some great advice on wine tasting: in short, K.I.S.S. (keep it simple, stupid). Trust your own sense of taste. If you read the WIRED article, you could see that even experts in flavor and taste disagree. Taste is and will always be subjective. Not everyone will like every wine (or song); the key is to try so you can be sure of the result either way.

The other two videos are just some fun songs about wine. One from a time when Clapton was king and the other a catchy tune from an Australian band. Disclaimer: not all songs featured in this blog will be about drinking. (Although that might be quite the challenge ;)

My first wine/music pairing is forthcoming, but feel free to comment now. I want to know what your listening to or what wine your in love with at the moment.

By the way, my background photo will be changing soon; but until then, I'd like to give credit where credit is due: Image by John Snyder/WIRED 2011.

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